
Welsh Springer Spaniel

Breed of Dog : Welsh Springer Spaniel

The Welsh Springer Spaniel is a pleasant and intelligent dog that loves humans. She is generally a watchdog. She can do well with other pets and dogs, especially if socialized when young. She also generally loves considerate children that she has been raised with. As a reminder, never leave a child unsupervised with a puppy or dog.

The Welsh Springer is somewhat lighter boned and more refined in appearance than his cousin the English Springer Spaniel. The coat is a rich red and white, no other color being accepted. The correct coat will be somewhat weather resistant and naturally clean. The breed is easy to keep with few genetic conditions, although hip dysplasia may be present and there is a small incidence of dogs of this breed being susceptible to epilepsy. The "rage syndrome" which has been reported in the English Springer Spaniel does not appear to be present in the Welsh Springer. He is a compact dog that should have the appearance of symmetry and balance. Tail is docked as a protection against the brush and thickets. Ears are lop and are smaller than those of the English Springer. The legs are strong and the rear quarters should have a good angle of the stifle for ground covering movement which is necessary for the function of the breed. The expression should be kindly and sweet.

A compact, medium sized dog with a silky dark red and white coat. The hair is straight or slightly wavy, flat and medium length with feathering on chest, underside, legs and tail. The head is slightly rounded and the muzzle is fairly square. The longish pendant ears are fringed with hair, somewhat like a setter's. The eyes are either hazel or dark colored. The Welsh Springer is a bit smaller and lighter than the English Springer, and a bit taller and larger than the English Cocker Spaniel. 

Welsh Springer Spaniel is excellent to leave it with children, reserved with strangers and easy to train. It is not particularly dependent or indendent and general good to let him with the other pets or dogs. Welsh Springer Spaniel is a average barker. 

Height: 18 to 19 inches (male); 17 to 18 inches (female).
Weight: 38 to 48 pounds.

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